
Saturday, 17 June 2017

Fee Structure of Paying Cadets and Additional Selected Cadets in Army Medical College Rawalpindi

Fee Structure of Paying Cadets and Additional Selected Cadets in Army Medical College Rawalpind

The Fee Structure of Paying cadets and Additional selected cadets in Army Medical College (AMC) are below :
1.Paying Cadets: 
Pay monthly like 5500 PKR (OR/JCO),others depend on your father rank
If you are PC and hostelize Your monthly bill will be nearly 11000 to 12000 (Including, hostel+mess+Monthly Fees) ,(OR/JCO) others depend on your father rank...
2.Additional Selected Cadets: pay Semester wise fee like 80,000 PKR, and GHQ refund them 45000 to 48000 PKR (OR/JCO) others depend on your father rank after 2 to 3 months.
If You are Hostilized and ASC,Your monthly bill will be nearly 7000 to 8000 (Including, hostel+mess) (OR/JCO) others depend on your father rank.
3.If you are not hostelize than ASC will Pay about 500 to 1000 PKR and PC 5500 PKR monthly (OR/JCO)

                  Note   :

ASC will pay fee of 2 semester first time
While PC just chill and pay monthly.
It will be written on your selection letter that you are PC or ASC
ASC can also be upgraded to PC later...


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